Patient Intake and Verification Form Patient Intake and Verification Form First Name* Last Name* The name you prefer to be called: * Patient Address:* City* State* Zip* Home Phone* Cellular* Birthdate* Age* Sex* MaleFemale Employment Information Patient Employer Occupation Employer Address City State Zip Work Phone Ext In Case of Emergency Name Relationship Phone Patient’s Spouse Phone Family Physician Phone Referred by Insurance Name: Address ID # Social Security # Group # Insurance Phone # Subscriber Name: Subscriber Date of Birth Subscriber Employer: Insurance Effective Date: Copay Pharmacy Name Address Phone Emergency Contact: Name Relationship Address Phone Past Medical History: Past Surgical History: Smoking History: Illicit Drug Use: Alcohol Use: Marital Status: Medication List: Allergies Date of your Last Pap Smear if you are a female and 21y/o or older: Date of your Last Mammogram if you are a female and 40y/o or older: Date of your Last Colonoscopy if you are 45y/o or older: Reason for your upcoming visit: Other Vital information we may need to know: Email: *